We at Harmony Public School try in our own little way to make a change for the better for the children.
We believe that if values are imparted right at the beginning then they are firmly ingrained in childs’ behavior. Through both sports and culture, we try to encourage children to participate in group forming activities, where they can learn to share, co-operate and also take on leaderhip roles in future. We also promote various Go Green projects to help make the environment a better place to live in.
We encourage all round activities of children so that all round development takes place. We invite your guidance in our various activities so that we can improve it further.
We regularly organize cultural activities sometimes inside our classrooms or sometimes by hiring small rooms. Children are very enthusiastic in these events and many who are seen as quiet students are very active in these events. A lot of costs goes in getting the right costume and other accessories for the event and it is no doubt a time consuming one.
Currently very little activity is done here and we would like to take this up as a challenge to find places where children can play.
We plan to take up various go green projects so that we all live in harmony with nature. Small initiatives like having a roof top garden is encouraged so that the children can contribute in their own small way. We also plan to take up some tree plantation activities in localities and promote local awareness.